New Urban Ministry Course Offered

A new partnership with a nonprofit in Atlanta, Georgia, is giving Bethany students a unique ministry opportunity. From January 2-12, 2018, the new course entitled A Place of Refuge: Ministry in an Urban Context will take students to Atlanta

Academy Launches EFSM Program in Spanish

Pastors David and Rita Flores and members of the Cristo de Sion Church of the Brethren in Pomona, California, have become the first students to enter the new Spanish-language track of the Brethren Academy program Education for a Shared

Bethany to Host Anabaptism, the Next Generation

There is talk about “the new Anabaptist.” What images might this bring to mind?

Radical discipleship?
Searching for authentic community?
Working for peace?
Loving Jesus?
Simple living?
Creation care?

The Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults at Bethany Seminary is hosting a new event

New Website Launched

We hope that our newly built website is functional and informative! Bethany’s web address remains the same:

Essay Contest to Highlight Peacemakers

How and why are some individuals inspired and inspiring? The 2016 Bethany Peace Essay Contest—Inspired and Inspiring Peacemakers—asks student writers to share in a public voice about someone they consider to be an inspiring peacemaker. Sponsored by the peace

Forum to Explore Just Peace

Bethany Seminary’s seventh Presidential Forum weekend, scheduled for October 29-31, 2015, will feature internationally known speakers, Bethany leadership, and presenters from the peace church traditions on the theme A Pilgrimage of

Bethany Special Collections Online

This page serves as the direct link to the Bethany Special Collections Online, hosted by PALNI (the Private Academic Library Network of Indiana [see

Recognition Received for Education That Engages

Bethany Seminary has been notified by The Center for Faith and Service at McCormick Theological Seminary that it is included in the 2015 list of Seminaries That Change the World. Twenty-six institutions were named this year, including Bethany’s partner