
Financial Aid

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Financial Aid Overview

At Bethany we care deeply about supporting you holistically as you devote time, energy and trust into your seminary experience.

Our financial aid is generous, mostly because our constituents are generous. We are not a tuition-driven institution; rather, we are driven by the hope of a more peaceful church and world through the power and example of Jesus—and you. Our unique approach to financial aid means that most degree-seeking students pay only a fraction of their total cost.

Financial aid is available for all degree-seeking (MA and MDiv) and certificate students. Financial aid is not available for occasional students. All degree and certificate students pay a base tuition amount of $1,100 per semester. This will be paid regardless of how many classes are being taken. Students may apply for financial aid, which may cover remaining tuition costs after the base amount has been paid. This amount will be reviewed annually and is subject to change. Occasional students will pay full tuition, $1,500 per class. All financial aid is awarded by the Financial Aid Committee.

Academic Excellence Scholarship

After the base amount has been paid, students who demonstrate academic excellence are eligible to receive a scholarship in either of the amounts below:

  • 40 or 50 percent of the remaining tuition cost for incoming students
  • 50 percent of the remaining tuition cost for returning students


Academic Excellence Scholarship Requirements

Students will be evaluated for the Academic Excellence Scholarship at the time of admission. The Financial Aid Committee will review the cumulative GPA, written essay, and faculty interviews. A minimum GPA of 3.0 is required.


To be eligible for this scholarship, students must submit all application materials for admission for the fall semester by May 15, for the spring semester and January intensives by November 15 and by March 15 if beginning with a May intensive.

Students will be evaluated for the Academic Excellence Scholarship at the completion of the academic year. A committee comprising the academic dean and faculty will assess student performance, with particular focus on the narrative evaluations from all courses. An award in the amount of 50 percent tuition will be granted depending on the level of the student’s academic performance.

Award letters will be sent by June 1. Students must be in good financial standing to receive aid.

Church Service Covenant Grant

After the base amount has been paid, students who feel called to serve the church in some capacity are eligible for this tuition scholarship. Examples of vocations that fulfill the Church Service Covenant Grant requirements include the following:

  • Pastor of a congregation (full-time or bivocational)
  • Person serving a congregation in self-supporting ministry
  • Administrator or teacher in a theological seminary
  • Staff persons with districts, the denomination, or other Annual Conference agencies
  • Missionary assigned to pastoral or evangelistic duties
  • Chaplain (e.g., chaplaincy in a hospital, hospice, long-term care facility, campus, prison, or industrial setting)
  • Person serving in a specialized ministry under the auspices of a congregation or other institutional entity (e.g., youth ministry, Christian education, camp administrator, ecumenical ministries, spiritual direction, pastoral counselor, or church planter)
  • Ministers retired from their area of service


Church Service Covenant Grant Requirements

During the application process, the student will be asked to write an essay expressing her/his vocational goal to serve the church in one or more of the areas listed above. In addition, a letter of recommendation from an individual who is familiar with the student’s vocational goals must accompany the application.

To be eligible for this scholarship, entering students must submit all application materials for admission by May 15 for the fall semester, by November 15 for the spring semester and January intensives, and by March 15 if beginning with a May intensive.

To receive this scholarship in subsequent years, current Bethany students must demonstrate appropriate academic progress by crediting courses at a pace to complete their program in the allotted time frame and in the appropriate sequence, including a ministry formation placement consistent with their calling to church service, or the approval of their MA thesis project. They must also submit an updated essay articulating their vocational calling, focusing on the impact of their Bethany education on their goals. Students must be in good academic and financial standing to receive aid.

To be eligible for this scholarship, current students must submit all materials by May 15 for the following academic year.

Bethany Bold

This unique program enables residential Bethany students to complete their seminary program with no new educational or consumer debt.

Need-Based Grant

Students who demonstrate financial need are eligible to receive the need-based grant. The grant covers the balance of tuition costs, not to exceed need. This grant may be awarded in the chance that a student is not eligible for the Academic Excellence Scholarship or the Church Covenant Grant.  To apply for this grant, students must complete the following:

The need-based grant application deadlines for entering students are May 15 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester. The deadline for current students is June 15 for all semesters.

Federal Work-Study Program

Bethany participates in the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program designed for students who demonstrate financial need. This program provides a limited number of paid positions both on and off campus that vary in responsibility and compensation. Students who demonstrate financial need may apply for but are not guaranteed these positions. To apply for the Federal Work-Study program, students must complete the following:

The deadlines to submit the FAFSA and Bethany financial aid applications for entering students are May 15 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester. The deadline for current students is June 15 for all semesters.

Federal Stafford Loan Program

Bethany participates in the Federal Stafford Loan program. Through this program students who demonstrate financial need are able to secure low-interest loans. To apply for this loan, students must complete the following:

The deadlines to submit the FAFSA and Bethany financial aid applications for entering students are May 15 for the fall semester and November 15 for the spring semester. The deadline for current students is June 15 for all semesters.

Students who have not previously borrowed federal loan funds must complete entrance counseling to be eligible for these funds. First time borrowers at Bethany must also meet with a financial coach before funds will be disbursed. Prior to graduation, withdrawal, or falling below half-time status, students must complete exit counseling.

When a student first takes out a Federal student loan, Bethany will refer them to a financial coach.  The student will work with the financial coach to develop a financial plan tailored to their particular situation.  Successful completion of the financial coaching sessions is required prior to taking out loans in future terms.  Typically, 2-4 sessions with the financial coach are required to complete this work. The Financial Aid and Enrollment Assistant will pair students with coaches.

Other Types of Aid

Members of the global Church of the Brethren will receive a full-tuition scholarship. Students will not be required to contribute to the cost of their tuition. For more details please contact Terri Mitchell, financial aid and student services assistant, at 800.287.8822 ext. 1828 or mitchte@bethanyseminary.edu.

Legal residents of another country who are not members of the global Church of the Brethren will be asked to contribute to the cost of their education by paying the $1,100 base amount. Students who qualify may receive additional aid provided by Bethany to cover the remaining tuition charges. This aid may include the Academic Excellence Scholarship, Church Service Covenant Grant, or need-based grant to those who demonstrate financial need. For more details please see the Apply page and/or contact Terri Mitchell, financial aid and student services assistant, at 800.287.8822 ext. 1828 or  mcdonte@bethanyseminary.edu.

Legal residents of a US territory who are members of the Church of the Brethren and are MDiv, MA, or certificate-seeking students will receive a full-tuition scholarship. Students will not be required to contribute to the cost of their tuition. Occasional students from US territories will pay full tuition. For more details please contact Terri Mitchell, financial aid and student services assistant, at 800.287.8822 ext. 1828 or  mitchte@bethanyseminary.edu.