Keep up to date with Bethany life by visiting our news archive.
Continuing Education
Church of the Brethren agencies and partners offer a variety of classes and events which qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for clergy. Most of these are also open to laypersons for personal enrichment.
Brethren Life & Thought Journal
Find information about subscribing to Brethren Life & Thought, a scholarly journal including thoughtful, interpretive essays and short creative works related to the faith, heritage, and practice of the Church of the Brethren and related faith traditions.
Bethany Peace Essay Contest
Sponsored by Bethany’s peace studies program, this annual contest is open to any student enrolled en route to a degree. Information on the next contest will be posted when available.
Pastoral Presence Program
Join the Bethany community as a pastor in residence or for a pastoral sabbatical through this personal and professional retreat program.
Video Recordings
Review recordings of previous campus events, including weekly chapel and special presentations, at your leisure.
Brethren House Hosting
Volunteer as a host at Brethren House, Bethany’s guest house, and experience the campus community. Contact Terri Mitchell at 765-983-1828.