A Generative Conversation About Bethany’s Future

Bethany Board of Trustees, September 2024

The Bethany Theological Seminary Board of Trustees engaged in a generative conversation with teaching faculty and key administrators focused on the future of the Seminary during its fall 2024 meeting. The dialogue was a first step towards creating an updated strategic vision for the institution. Bethany has experienced significant success over the last decade, with growing enrollment, launching new degree programs, reducing student debt, and strengthening its educational partnership in Nigeria.

As the institution plans for the future, however, it must consider a variety of significant changes within the Church and higher education. Bethany has deepened its commitment to it historical and theological foundation through the establishment of an endowed faculty chair in brethren studies, even as the denomination faces declining membership in the United States. Meanwhile, the Seminary is experiencing steady enrollment growth with a more ecumenical student body, even as theological schools connected to other Christian denominations continue to close and merge. While changes in the church present tension and challenges, the Seminary also sees opportunities and promise.

During the board meeting, trustees were placed in small groups with professors and administrators for conversation about the organization’s previous strategic vision document, which was adopted in 2017. The groups noted the accomplishments of the last several years and identified areas of opportunity and challenge for the Seminary.

“Bethany is in a very positive place in terms of both our finances and in our ability to pursue our education mission,” says President Jeff Carter. “Our faculty and staff have done a remarkable job of creating a student centered educational institution that attracts and nurtures a diverse group of exceptional students. Our Board is very supportive of what we have done, but board members also understand that the future will require us to be flexible and nimble. The trustees enjoyed the opportunity to discuss in depth some of the big questions facing the Seminary.”

The session focused on four key questions:

What is our relationship with the Church of the Brethren?
An education for what and for whom?
How shall we be known?
How do we ensure sustainability?

This generative conversation was a first step in a process that will likely span several meetings and will eventually chart the Seminary’s course for the next several years.
