Bethany Celebrates First Nigerian Commencement

Bethany Theological Ceremony held its first commencement ceremony in Jos, Nigeria on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. The ceremony honored graduates from 2021-24, including 21 who earned the Postgraduate Diploma in Biblical Peacemaking and one who earned a Certificate of Achievement in Theological Studies.
The featured speaker at the ceremony was Rev. Dr. Daniel Y.C. Mbaya, president of Ekklesiyar Yanâuwa a Nigeria (EYN, the Church of the Brethren in Nigeria). A pastor, theologian, and academic, Mbaya also serves as an adjunct lecturer for Bethany.
The ceremony also included leaders of other seminaries and denominations who participated as special guests. Representatives of the Anglican Church, Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) and EYN all brought congratulatory messages. A praise band provided special music.
This celebration was a joyous occasion for these new graduates, their families, and the faculty and staff of Bethany. President Jeff Carter, Academic Dean Steve Schweitzer, and Executive Director of Student Services Lori Current traveled to Jos to participate in the ceremony.
The Postgraduate Diploma is Biblical Peacemaking provides a means to construct one’s theology of peacemaking through biblical, theological, and ethical reflection. With this foundation, students will apply their learning in a practical setting.
Students who earn this degree will be able to:
Communicate a biblical theology of peacemaking that is informed by theological and ethical reflection.
Plan, implement, and evaluate peacemaking initiatives that are contextually appropriate, nonviolent, and consistent with the student’s intrepretations of scripture, theology, and ethics.
Detailed information about all of Bethany’s academic programs may be found here.
In the future, Bethany hopes to celebrate commencement in Nigeria every two years.