Brethren Life & Thought Submission Guidelines
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Brethren Life and thought welcomes scholarly articles, thoughtful, interpretive essays, and short creative works, including poetry, related to the culture, spirituality, heritage, beliefs, and practices of the Church of the Brethren and related movements. The journal follows the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition, for all matters of format and style. Please verify all quotations, references, and citations.
- Submit all articles electronically. In the upper left corner of the first page, type your name as you would like to have it published, email address, street address, and phone number where you can be reached.
- At the end of the article provide a biographical note about yourself that tells where you are from, what you do or did for a living, and one or two of your interests.
- Set one inch margins on all sides and double space all text, including block quotations and endnotes. For a font use Times New Roman in 12 points.
- Below your name and contact information on page 1, center the title of your article, using upper and lower case. Then begin the text of the article. Enter one space after each sentence. Use tabs for indents rather than spaces. A title page is not necessary.
- Paginate the document in the lower right-hand corner.
- Use italic type for titles of books and any other place that you might use underlining.
- Thoroughly credit and document sources you borrow. To document sources, use endnotes rather than footnotes or an author-date system.
- Within the text, superscript note numbers this way.5
- Scroll to the end of the document to type the note. Type the note number in the same font size as the text, followed by a period, like this: 5.
- Use either Chicago or Turabian notations.
- The preferred word processing software is Microsoft Word for Windows. Articles composed on a Mac must be saved in a format that is readable in Windows.
- If you do not have access to a personal computer, or the ability to format your text in an acceptable manner, send two typed copies of your article. No handwritten manuscripts, please.