Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm

Biographical Sketch:

Born and reared in Detroit, Michigan, Professor Ottoni-Wilhelm is ordained in the Church of the Brethren. After serving for three years as a hospital chaplain and nine as a pastor, she completed her doctoral work in practical theology

Bethany Is among Seminaries That Change the World

For the second consecutive year, the Center for Faith and Service at McCormick Theological Seminary has named Bethany Theological Seminary to Seminaries That Change the World. The program recognizes schools that demonstrate

Transportation and Lodging Options


Please refer to our Map and Directions page for complete driving directions and nearby airports.  All nearby airports listed have an array of rental car options. Richmond does not have public train or bus service.

Forum to Explore Just Peace

Bethany Seminary’s seventh Presidential Forum weekend, scheduled for October 29-31, 2015, will feature internationally known speakers, Bethany leadership, and presenters from the peace church traditions on the theme A Pilgrimage of

Academy Launches EFSM Program in Spanish

Pastors David and Rita Flores and members of the Cristo de Sion Church of the Brethren in Pomona, California, have become the first students to enter the new Spanish-language track of the Brethren Academy program Education for a Shared

Bethany to Host Anabaptism, the Next Generation

There is talk about “the new Anabaptist.” What images might this bring to mind?

Radical discipleship?
Searching for authentic community?
Working for peace?
Loving Jesus?
Simple living?
Creation care?

The Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults at Bethany Seminary is hosting a new event

Bethany Seminary Responds to Coronavirus Concerns

October 27, 2020 

Bethany Theological Seminary continues to focus on the health and safety of students, faculty, and staff. Many employees are now working on site at least some of the time,

Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership

Welcome to the home page of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership (BAML) —

a ministry training partnership of the Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board and

Bethany and EYN Form Educational Partnership

Bethany Theological Seminary and EkklesiyarYan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN, Church of the Brethren in Nigeria) have

Financial Aid FAQs

Financial aid can be one of the most important pieces to put into place for graduate studies. Here is the place to get quick answers to the most common questions about Bethany’s outstanding financial aid program.



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