Faculty Feedback on Prospective Students

This information will be treated confidentially, but will be part of the prospective student’s admissions file used by the Admissions Committee.

Enrollment Reservation and Deposit

We are very pleased that you are enrolling at Bethany! In order to hold your place in the entering class and facilitate your entrance into Bethany, please complete this form and make a $150 enrollment deposit, as directed below.


Brethren Life & Thought Back Issues

Vol. 58 No. 2 (Fall 2013)

This issue includes articles on a wide variety of topics. “‘Battle Ground’ Peaches: Dunkers on the Gettysburg Battlefield,” written by Steve Longenecker, is the third in a series of papers presented over the five-year

Audit Application

Criteria for audit admission include


  1. completion of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher;
  2. ability to do theological study at the graduate level as determined from the scope and

Faith-based Budget Guides

Making a budget or a cash-flow plan can be daunting! Don’t fear! There are resources that can help make this process easier and less stressful!

Everance | Cash-Flow Plan 
Everance is a ministry of Mennonite Church USA and

Thrifty Thursday: Kroger Discount Table

I have talked about Kroger Sales before–I think they’re great. The local Kroger in Richmond, IN has a discounted table in the front of the store by the cash registers. When

Frugal Fridays: Thrifty Events in Richmond and Beyond (Oct 2-4)

City Life
City Life is back! Join us on October 3 in Glen Miler Park for an evening showcasing Richmond’s colorful art culture! There will be plenty of hands-on activities, local art, music, and food! You won’t want to miss the

Thrifty Thursday: Sales + Freezing Food

Taking advantage of sale items is an obvious way to save money. However, we might not stock up on perishable sale items because they will likely go bad by the time we go to use them. That’s where FREEZING

Ways to Save on Textbooks

Borrow them from the Library
Your whole class might not be able to do this, but if you don’t want to pay for the book and are only using it for a couple weeks. Check it out from the library