Becoming a Bethany Student

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EYN Classroom Building to Be Dedicated

As 2018 begins, the educational partnership between Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria (EYN) and Bethany Theological Seminary is welcoming its first students into the classroom. Six members of EYN are enrolled in Global Perspectives on Scripture: 1 Corinthians, being held

Conference Explores Intersection of Faith and Science

Faith, science, and encouragement to consider them in tandem were the focus at Bethany Theological Seminary’s Look at Life conference, held April 25-27. More than 100 guests and presenters gathered at the Seminary to receive information and share viewpoints

Transportation and Lodging Options


Please refer to our Map and Directions page for complete driving directions and nearby airports.  All nearby airports listed have an array of rental car options. Richmond does not have public train or bus service.

Bethany to Host Anabaptism, the Next Generation

There is talk about “the new Anabaptist.” What images might this bring to mind?

Radical discipleship?
Searching for authentic community?
Working for peace?
Loving Jesus?
Simple living?
Creation care?

The Institute for Ministry with Youth and Young Adults at Bethany Seminary is hosting a new event

Academy Launches EFSM Program in Spanish

Pastors David and Rita Flores and members of the Cristo de Sion Church of the Brethren in Pomona, California, have become the first students to enter the new Spanish-language track of the Brethren Academy program Education for a Shared

MASST Sets Sail

For students who hear a clear call and are following a specific path to practical ministry, Bethany Theological Seminary has launched a new master’s degree program that links spiritual formation with a focus on social change.   

New Student Orientation 2019-20

Bethany looks forward to welcoming you to campus for the 2019-20 academic year! We can’t wait to meet you and learn more about you as you come to campus for your orientation. Please complete the registration form below so

Educational Partnership with Nigeria

It’s an historic relationship, the first of its kind between Bethany Theological Seminary and a Church of the Brethren group outside the United States. At the 2016 Annual Conference, Bethany president Jeff

Becoming a Bethany Student

As you consider your call to theological education, our team will help you navigate the process. We will help

Alumni Connections

Your gateway to Seminary news, information, and educational opportunities and access to your virtual meeting place for Bethany alumni!
Wherever you are living or serving, stay connected to learn about the latest news and resources that are available to you.
