Bethany Seminary Freezes Tuition for 2021-22

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting economic downturn, Bethany Theological Seminary has chosen to freeze its tuition rate for the 2021-22 academic year. Bethany tuition is an exceptional value at $500 per credit hour or

Popular Course Again Offered by Bethany and Brethren Academy

In 2018 Bethany Theological Seminary worked with the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership and Discipleship Ministries of the Church of the Brethren to offer a successful intensive course in urban ministryβ€”A Place of Refuge: Ministry in the Urban Context.

Master of Arts in Spiritual and Social Transformation

Master of Arts in Spiritual and Social Transformation

The Master of Arts in Spiritual and Social Transformation (MASST) program engages questions and concerns at the intersection of spirituality and society. The energy of spirituality can be intensely personal, but

Denise Kettering-Lane service

How We Serve

Bethany Theological Seminary employees have a long history of service in the communities we live β€” just like our alumni and friends! Here are a few examples of the ways Bethany faculty and staff live out a

Tuition, Fees, and Payments

Visit the Financial Aid page for information about how these costs are covered. For sample financial aid situations, view the Financial Aid Scenario page. For a complete estimated expense budget, see the

New Graduate Certificates Offered

For the first time in nearly twenty-five years, Bethany Theological Seminary is launching three additions to its academic offerings: Graduate Certificates in Biblical Interpretation, Conflict Transformation, and Theopoetics and Theological Imagination. Applications are being taken for the fall 2016

Dan Ulrich

Journey into Paul’s World

Dr. Dan Ulrich, Wieand professor of New Testament studies at Bethany Theological Seminary, will lead a trip to Greece May 24-June 2, 2025. Registration is now open for the excursion, which is organized by Tutku Educational Travel. Anyone

My Seminary of Choice

We all make choices every day.

Some are big; others are smaller. The choices for a seminary are no different.

The how of seminary is personal. As a seminary of choice, Bethany is flexible. Staff, and faculty, and peers support students

Positions Filled in Admissions and Student Services

Bethany Theological Seminary has filled the new position of executive director of admissions and student services with the hiring of Lori Current, Richmond, Indiana. She comes to administration at the Seminary from Indiana University East in Richmond, where she

Welcome, Friends!

We deeply value our relationship with those who are part of the extended Bethany community! Whether you are interested in supporting us financially and prayerfully, volunteering, or taking part in educational opportunities, your involvement enhances Bethany’s mission to prepare