Ministering Through COVID-19 Resource List

Given the rapidly changing guidelines and restrictions being used to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus,  many people have found themselves needing to quickly change their approaches to ministry. Bethany Theological Seminary and the Brethren Academy for Ministerial

CEUs Spring 2021

Looking for Continuing Education Events?

Church of the Brethren agencies and partners offer classes and events throughout the year that qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for clergy. Most of these events are also open to laypersons for personal

Publications Online

Historic Bethany Timeline 1901-2004

Bethany Sunday Resources

Wonder & Word

Fall/Winter 2023

Read the Spring/Summer 2020 magazine on Issuu.

Copy of – Continuing Education Opportunities

Church of the Brethren agencies and partners offer classes and events throughout the year that qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for clergy. Most of these events are also open to laypersons for personal enrichment. Some are offered online,

Continuing Education Opportunities

Church of the Brethren agencies and partners offer classes and events throughout the year that qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for clergy. Most of these events are also open to laypersons for personal enrichment. Some are offered online,

Brethren Life & Thought Vol 55 No 3&4 (Summer/Fall 2010)

This issue features a cluster of articles on the topic of technology. Arthur Boers of Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Canada; Dan Ulrich from Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Indiana; and Shane Hipps, now at Mars Hill Bible Church in

Transportation and Lodging Options


Please refer to our Map and Directions page for complete driving directions and nearby airports.  All nearby airports listed have an array of rental car options. Richmond does not have public train or bus service.

Bethany Awarded ATS Peer Group Grant

The Association for Theological Schools (ATS) has awarded Bethany Theological Seminary and four partner schools a $20,000 Peer Group Grant to support the schools’ efforts to minimize the financial cost of obtaining a seminary education.

A proposal request for the

Forum to Explore Just Peace

Bethany Seminary’s seventh Presidential Forum weekend, scheduled for October 29-31, 2015, will feature internationally known speakers, Bethany leadership, and presenters from the peace church traditions on the theme A Pilgrimage of

Strengthening the Partnership: A Visit to Nigeria

Ask any student: Pursuing higher education is a complex process.

Ask any higher education professional: Offering a program to students with diverse interests, needs, and circumstances is a complex process.

What happens when the process involves distinctly different cultures, traditions, languages,