Service Without Borders

When Jenn Hosler was 16 years old, she felt called to ministry and drawn to cultures different from her own. She participated in a youth work camp in the Rift Valley of Kenya, and witnessed the struggles

Brethren Life & Thought Vol 55 No 3&4 (Summer/Fall 2010)

This issue features a cluster of articles on the topic of technology. Arthur Boers of Tyndale Seminary in Toronto, Canada; Dan Ulrich from Bethany Theological Seminary in Richmond, Indiana; and Shane Hipps, now at Mars Hill Bible Church in

Thrifty Thursday: Every Kid in a Park

Are you the parent of a fourth grader? Love National Parks? This Thrifty Thursday tip is for you!

This academic year (2015-2016) the National Parks are letting fourth graders and their

Remembering a Friend and Colleague

The Bethany Seminary community was deeply saddened this week to hear of the passing of an alumna, fellow staff member, and good friend, Tracy A. Primozich. We share in the grief of many throughout the denomination who knew Tracy

Dan Poole

Biographical Sketch:

I was born in Indiana and grew up attending the Wabash Church of the Brethren. After serving for 18 years in congregational ministry, first at the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren as Associate Pastor and then at the

Remembering Julie M. Hostetter

The Bethany Theological Seminary community joins with many in the denomination in remembering Church of the Brethren educator Julie Mader Hostetter, who passed away November 12, 2017, in Bridgewater, Virginia.

Beginning in

Challenge: 31 Days of Spending Zero

Living Well Spending Less is hosting a 31 Days of hosting a “31 Days of Living Well and Spending Zero.” Blogger Ruth Soukup issues a challenge each October to her blogging community–challenging them to assess their spending and attempt

Lodging for Intensive Classes

Brethren House and Bethany Neighborhood Guest Rooms

235 College Ave., Richmond
Bedding and towels provided
Wireless internetTwo-Week Intensive Rates – Students

  • $150 total for single-room occupancy
  • $200
Dr. Joelle Hathaway

Joelle Hathaway

Dr. Joelle A. Hathaway is the Assistant Professor of Theological Studies at Bethany Theological Seminary, where she also directs the MA: Theopoetics and Writing. She is a double graduate of Duke Divinity School, where she completed her MTS (Masters

Transportation and Lodging Options


Please refer to our Map and Directions page for complete driving directions and nearby airports.  All nearby airports listed have an array of rental car options. Richmond does not have public train or bus service.