How to Make a Current Gift

Whether you support Bethany through the unrestricted Annual Fund or through restricted or endowment giving, there are a number of ways you can give. Bethany’s procedures for making current gifts are outlined below.


Credit Card Online

You may support the Bethany

Educational Partnership with Nigeria

It’s an historic relationship, the first of its kind between Bethany Theological Seminary and a Church of the Brethren group outside the United States. At the 2016 Annual Conference, Bethany president Jeff

Continuing Education Opportunities

Church of the Brethren agencies and partners offer classes and events throughout the year that qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for clergy. Most of these events are also open to laypersons for personal enrichment. Some are offered online,

Copy of – Continuing Education Opportunities

Church of the Brethren agencies and partners offer classes and events throughout the year that qualify for continuing education units (CEUs) for clergy. Most of these events are also open to laypersons for personal enrichment. Some are offered online,

Strengthening the Partnership: A Visit to Nigeria

Ask any student: Pursuing higher education is a complex process.

Ask any higher education professional: Offering a program to students with diverse interests, needs, and circumstances is a complex process.

What happens when the process involves distinctly different cultures, traditions, languages,

Thrifty Thursday: Every Kid in a Park

Are you the parent of a fourth grader? Love National Parks? This Thrifty Thursday tip is for you!

This academic year (2015-2016) the National Parks are letting fourth graders and their

Web Text Format Examples

This is the h1 header style.

This is the h2 header style.

This is the h3 header style.


This is the h4 header style.


This is the h5 header style.


This is the h6 header style.


This is the paragraph text style.[vc_btn title=”Example Button”

Remembering Julie M. Hostetter

The Bethany Theological Seminary community joins with many in the denomination in remembering Church of the Brethren educator Julie Mader Hostetter, who passed away November 12, 2017, in Bridgewater, Virginia.

Beginning in

Remembering a Friend and Colleague

The Bethany Seminary community was deeply saddened this week to hear of the passing of an alumna, fellow staff member, and good friend, Tracy A. Primozich. We share in the grief of many throughout the denomination who knew Tracy

Dan Poole

Biographical Sketch:

I was born in Indiana and grew up attending the Wabash Church of the Brethren. After serving for 18 years in congregational ministry, first at the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren as Associate Pastor and then at the