[vc_custom_heading text=”Bethany Invites Students to Build, Organize, Love,

Introducing Bethany BOLD

With the support of a $1M grant from the Lilly Endowment, Bethany Theological Seminary is launching Bethany BOLD, a new initiative that will prepare students to lead congregations as they respond to diversity and division. The rigorous and

EYC 2015 Participants

Youth Invited to Explore Their Call

“I loved this and it has changed my life. Hardcore. Thank you, endlessly.”

This summer, high school students again have the chance to share in a potentially life-changing experience. Explore Your Call, to be held at Bethany Seminary

Bethany to Host Community Peace Concert

Bethany Theological Seminary is partnering with Richmond Symphony Orchestra, Earlham College, and Earlham School of Religion  to offer an intimate evening of music and reflection on Sunday, Dec. 10.  The event is free and open to the public.

“Seeking Peace:

Richard Rose

The “Beloved Community” and Peace

Dr. Richard Rose, professor of religion and philosophy at University of La Verne (La Verne, Calif.) will present a talk entitled, “Building the Beloved Community: What Does Peace Have to Do with It,” on Friday, September 15, at 1

Thrifty Thursday: Every Kid in a Park

Are you the parent of a fourth grader? Love National Parks? This Thrifty Thursday tip is for you!

This academic year (2015-2016) the National Parks are letting fourth graders and their

Canning 101

I grew up with canning and preserving family. In the humid months of August and September, our kitchen door would be flung open to release the intense heat from a

Basic Finance Terms

A personal financial asset is something you own, and includes cash, savings accounts, and personal property. In a balance sheet, assets such as the value of your home are offset by liabilities, such as your current mortgage.

Balance sheet
A balance

Phil Collins

Where Do Pastors Come From?

Are you preparing pastors?

It’s a question that Bethany representatives are asked almost wherever they go. Many congregations in the Church of the Brethren struggle to find pastoral leadership, and it is obvious that the patterns

Where Do Pastors Come From?

by Jonathan Graham

Are you preparing pastors?

It’s a question that Bethany representatives are asked almost wherever they go. Many congregations in the Church of the Brethren struggle to find pastoral leadership, and it is